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2016 Goals

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions, because I feel like when you fail them one day, you just don't try again. I prefer a goal, because it's something you can work towards with mistakes and breaks. I've got a few 2016 goals and that is what I'm going to share with you in this blog post.

I want to eat more/ Put a bit of weight on.
This sounds weird because nobody says it, the only thing girls want to do is lose weight but I've recently unintentionally lost weight so I really want to put it back on for my own personal reasons.

Try to put more effort into writing blog posts.
I tend to type a few lines, get distracted and then when I go back to finish it, I don't like the idea anymore so I just delete it. So this year I want to write frequently and try harder on my blog.

Get fit
I'm the most out of shape person ever. I'm weak. I really need to start exercising more, even if it means going out for a walk (I also want to get out of the house more.)

Go to bed earlier.
It's pretty self-explanatory, I need to get catch more Z's, all these late nights are not doing me any good.

I don't revise. I'm sorry mam but picking up a revision book is a struggle and I'd rather be watching YouTube but this year I'm going to push myself to get more knowledgeable. Also, I want to try and read more because it annoys me that my vocab is so simple.

I want to film more YouTube Videos
If you didn't know, I have a YouTube channel shared with one of my bestfriends Emma, but we never film videos so, Emma, if you're reading this, WE NEED TO MAKE MORE VIDEOS!

Attempt to develop a Social life
My 'people skills' are 'rusty' (cheeky lil Supernatural reference there) so I need to improve before I become a hermit. 

Try new things with my hair
Okay, this is a really random one but my hair is always the same, either down or in a messy bun so I want to do something else for a change (googles: how to do hair.)

So that's a few things that I'd like to achieve this year, but overall I want to be a positive person because I like being happy but I'm just not happy enough. What are you goals for 2015?

Isabel X


  1. Good luck with meeting your goals! My main goal for the new year is to stop rushing around and panicking because of whatever problems I might have.


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