Social Media


Some Articles To Help Tackle Your Blogging Struggles!

Before I start this post, I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you for following my blog on Bloglovin'! We've managed to reach 100 Followers, which is something I would never have expected. So thank you so much for following!!


The key to any average blog is Google. Google has been there for me when nothing else was! You can Google anything, and your saviour will be there somewhere. I thought I'd share some articles with you to guide you in the right direction for any Blogging difficulties!

Want to centre almost everything? This will help you. 

Before you click 'Publish', check this list!

Stuck for blog post ideas? Me too- Hope this will help you!

Want to learn more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- This helped me

I know, HTML is confusing as hell (that rhymed, lol!) Never fear, Dana is here!

So those are just 5 helpful articles every blogger should know about. If you are ever struggling with anything when it comes to Blogging, Google is honestly your best friend!



  1. Such great tips!! I just started my blog at the end of January and have been looking left and right for tips and tricks to creating a somewhat successful blog. I love hearing other people talk about reach a milestone whether it be the first follower or the 1000th one. These 5 links really did help though!! :)

    Kathy xx



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