My first goal was to gain weight. This year, I got diagnosed with Crohn's disease, which has a really big impact on weight gain. I was put on a course of this medicinal drink called modulen, which put an astonishing 2 stone on me: I am honestly so grateful!
My next goal was to make more of an effort with my blog. I'd like to think I have. Well, Blogmas hasn't gone so well but that's okay, we can move past that! I think I've been pretty frequent on my blog. I think I have taken a few breaks due to school but apart from that, I'd say I've done pretty well!
Get fit. Well, I went to aerobics near enough every week...
Go to bed earlier. I wish..
Revise. I have actually revised a lot more than I did last year, which has taken its toll on my mental stability, but my grades really haven't seemed to pick up!
Another goal was to film more videos with Emma. I mean, I think we did alright!
Apparently, I wanted to try new things with my hair, and I would say I surpassed this goal! I've been rocking space buns a lot, and my hair as a whole has gotten a lot more healthy and strong, which I think has something to do with my Crohn's treatment.
And finally, I wanted to develop a social life. I have a bunch of amazing people I'm happy to call my friends. We might all be an unstable mess, but I wouldn't have them any other way!
You know what, that has put some light on the actual turd this year has produced! Have you achieved your goals? x
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