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The Hellish Day At The Gym

Needless to say, I'm an awkward person. I've experienced many 'awkward moments' in my time. The first time I went to the gym is just one of a large list of those moments. So welcome to the Second Chapter of my Awkward Moments (The First is here.)

It was the first day at the gym, which meant I had to get signed up. I was with my mum and Grandma. The man behind the computer handed me a card with boxes that I needed to fill in (i.e. Name, D.O.B) I had completed most of the boxes avoiding the 'e-mail' one, because mine is embarrassing. The man then took the slip off me (I think he was getting impatient...) and he asked me the dreaded question..... "What's your e-mail?" Let's just say, my skin swelled up and I literally forgot everything, but '' was spiralling my head. I told him I didn't have one so he asked my mum so I abruptly said "Oh wait! I do have an e-mail!" Well done, Isabel, you success at life. As I told him my email, he asked "Is that why you didn't want to tell me you e-mail?!" I nodded, knowing my face was now redder than blood. He then 're-assured me saying they had had worse e-mail. Yes, I feel so much better thanks.

OKAY! So that was one thing, the other was when I had came out of the gym and had to sign something. Again, I had to say my email. I also had to 'sign' the bottom of the paper. But the woman didn't say sign, did she? No she didn't, she said "Just put a scribble at the bottom there." Scribble. SCRIBBLE. Me, being a 14 year old with the mental ability worse than a foetus put a LITERAL SCRIBBLE. I nearly cried when she said "...Oh, literally a scribble," and everyone laughed. I wanted to leave but no, I had to stand there even longer to get receipt!

It'd be okay if I never had to see the workers ever again, but I have to pass them most mornings or afternoons!

So I hope you enjoyed laughing at me leaving the house and getting obliterated. Thank you for reading this far! I'm honestly surprised you've read to here!! :)

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